This is a list of the 2002 Island County employees and their job title and salaries.(pop 71,558)(402 employees)

Island County is composed of Whidbey, Camano, Smith, Deception and Ben Ure Islands and encompasses approximately 209 square miles. The County seat is the town of Coupeville on Whidbey Island. The County has three elected Commissioners and 10 independently elected positions including Auditor, Treasurer, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, Assessor, Clerk, Coroner, District Court Judge and two Superior Court judges. Island County's population is approximately 77,000. The County's 2006 budgeted expenditures for all funds were $66,843,104. The County's approximately 432 full- and part-time employees provide services including administration, public safety, public works, land-use planning and parks and recreation.
The above information is from the State Auditors (Audit Report Search) webpage

Back to the 2011 or 2009 or 2007 or 2005 or 2003 or 2001 or 1999 or 1997 or 1995 or State of Washington Employees Salaries List

2002 Island County List of Employees, Job Title and Salary

Here's a link to the Island County webpage.

Below is page one of the employees and salaries list I received from Island County on September 3, 2002

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Island County sent me an employees list on August 22, 2002 without the job titles, and they weren't alphabetical. I optical character recognitioned (OCR) the pages to get it into text instead of images which made alphabetizing a computer click away. OCR recognizes approximately 99% of the words and numbers correctly. There can be some errors in the name spellings and even less errors in the numbers. Getting the names into text instead of images, makes the file smaller, will allow me to put links in the text and allows search engines to pick up the names.

Below is the (incomplete)Island County employees list, (270 employees), I received in the mail on August 22, 2002. I got the complete list on September 3, 2002, and have scanned the 17 pages above.

April 2, 2004 note: I have replaced the first letter of the first name of each person, with a *.

NAME                        SALARY
AANONSON, *AYNA A           12.86	
AIKINS, *ANDY               3205.78	
ALLEN, *AMES R.             2550.05	
ANDREWS, *ANET R            3205.78	
ANDRIESEN, *AUL M.          18.93	
ARAUCTO, *OSEPH S.          22.48	
ARMSTRONG, *IM H            2550.05	
BADGER, *UDDY C.            17.94	
BARENBURG, *ICHAEL          3205.78	
BARKHAUSEN, *EFFREY L.      16.82	
BARNES, *AMES P             2768.62	
BAXEY, *AVID                14.31	
BECKER, *ILLIAM             3144.05	
BELLMER, *ARLA S.           12.86	
BENNING, *ENNIS D.          14.59	
BENSON, *AROL E.            2550.05	
BENSON, *ICHAEL W           1898.93	
BENSON. DONNA M.            2994.47	
BENZ, *MANDA                3205.78	
BERTRAND, *OHN T            18.22	
BEZOLD, *ORETTA D           3205.78	
BIDDLE, *ENNIFER L          2556.25	
BODLEY, *ARISELA            2550.05	
BONVOULOIR, *AVID A         4090.01	
BOUCHER, *ERRI L.           11.01 	
BOWERS, *AREN T             2987.20	
BRACKETT, *ANDALL 0.        4090.01	
BRADSHAW, *TANLEY A.        3205.78	
BRANDHORST, *IMMY D.        18.93	
BROWN, *ON M.               3144.05	
BRYANT, *ONNIE J.           2558.25	
BUCHHOLZ, *ELINDA K.        2550.05	
BUKTENICA, *ULIE            19.78	
BUR, *ERALD E.              3797.86	
BURCAR, *OE U               2987.20	
BURNS, *AMES D.             4222.32	
BURNS, *ARl A               2550.05	
CARLSON, *RIAN 0            2987.20	
CHEUVRONT, *ERRY L.         2994.47	
CHOATE, *OSHUA L.           3797.83	
CHRISTENSEN, *RLISS R.      21.46	
CHRISTIANSEN, *OYCE A.      3205.78	
CLARK, *AMES D.             14.59	
CLARKE, *ERRY L.            2994.47	
COHEN, *HILIP L             4090.01	
COLLETTE, *OYCE A           3205.78	
COOPER, *REGORY W           18.93	
CORBETT, *AYNE R.           14.59	
CRAM, *HRIS                 2987.20	
CROFT, *AROLS A             3213.57	
CROOKS, *HRISTINE M         12.86	
CURRIER, *HRISTOPHER        14.59	
DAVIS, *OAN R.              3205.78	
DAVIS, *ODD M.              15.41	
DAWKINS, *NATHALIE          3205.78	
DE LONG, *IRGINIA L.        2987.20	
DIEFERT, *ANDY D            21.46	
DILDINE, *ORI J             3205.78	
EDWARDS, *OGER C.           17.24	
ELERICK, *DITH M.           2994.47	
ENDRES, *COTT G.            17.24	
ENGSTROM, *USAN P.          2550.05	
ESPELAND, *ARCIA A.         12.86	
ETZELL, *ICHAEL             3205.78	
EVANS, *UWAYNE D.           3144.05	
EVANS, *AUL A.              14.59	
EXE. JAMES M.               3497.20	
FAIRFAX, *.S.E.F.           2768.62	
FAKKEMA, *ENRY M.           14.25	
FALLERT, *AURIE A.          3144.05	
FARTHING, *IKE              18.22	
FELDMAN, *UDITH 0           2556.25	
FISHER, *ONJA-JOLENE G.     2550.05	
FLITCROFT, *DWARD G.        15.72	
FORBES, *AYLE               2191.07	
FORD, *ANICE L              3213.57	
FOSTER, *NITA L.            4090.01	
FREER, *ALERIE K            2768.62	
FROSTAD, *ARRY A.           17.94	
GABELEIN, *YRON M           3797.86	
GENTRY, *ASON               3147.20	
GILBERT, *RAIG J            14.25	
GILMORE, *EN T.             2987.20	
GONZALEZ, *ENEE L.          11.01 	
GOOSEY, *ARRY E.            15.72	
GRAU-EGERTON, *ARLA I       2550.05	
GREDVIG, *HANNING A         2987.20	
GREEN JR. RICHARD M         18.93	
GREENE, *ARK J              3797.86	
GRIFFIN, *NDREW E.          3497.20	
GROSSMAN, *AREN V.          3205.78	
GULICK, *OANN C             2987.20	
HAHN, *AVIDJ                18.22	
HALL, *ANET N.              2775.36	
HALL, *ARK D.               11.01 	
HALL, *ITIZI                3205.78	
HANSEN, *OSEPHINE           2556.25	
HANSON, *RADLEY A.          17.24	
HASTER, *AREN K.            2775.36	
HELM, *ERALD W              15.34	
HERMAN, *OBIN L.            11.01	
HESS, *ARY L.               4090.01	
HIGMAN, *USAN L.            2550.05	
HILBERDINK, *ENRY A         15.72	
HOFKAMP, *EVIN G.           17.94	
HOLBERT, *OUGLAS W.         22.46	
HOLBROOK, *ANCY L.          12.86	
HOMOLA, *NGELA D.           2768.62	
HOUSTON, *ENNIS C.          15.34	
HOVER, *ONNA M              2987.20	
HUFF, *NDREA L.             2550.05	
HUSS, *ATTHEW W.            14.59	
JAMIESON, *AMELA R          2768,82	
JENNERJOHN, *ENNIS C        17.94	
JOHNSON, *AMES              3144.05	
JOKINEN, *OLLEEN M.         3213.57	
JONES, *ANIEL C.            3205.78	
JONES, *ICHARD C.           15.72	
JONES, *OBERT               2987.20	
JONES, *UZIE                14.25	
KASPERSON, *OYCE E.         2994.47	
KEARSLEY, *ANET S.          19.78	
KEELER, *ONNA M.            3497.20	
KELLY, *ANA H.              3497.20	
KELSO, *R., *HARLES H       3144.05	
KENNEY, *OGER L.            12.86	
KING, *ILEEN F.H            2775.36	
KNIGHTON, *HERYL L          2768.62	
KOSTEK. HARLAN L.           2768.62	
KOUBA, *EA                  3205.78	
KROLL, *EEVA                2987.20	
KUENLE, *AMES R             3144.05	
KUKUK, *ATTHEW R            3205.78	
KURTZ, *ELINDA J.           3205.78	
LANDQUIST, *ANCE M          18.93	
LARCENA, *EN                17.94	
LEBARON, *ATHRYN E.         3205.78	
LEE, *OHN T.                15.72	
LEGGETT. MARGARET E.        2550.05	
LEWIS, *AREN                3797.80	
LEWIS, *ERESA S             3205.78	
LIND, *AVID W.              3144.05	
LOKKINS, *AROLINE           3497.20	
LOMBARDO, *TACEY M.         3797.86	
LOSAK. DOUGLAS L            3797.88	
MARTIN, *ARY                17.24	
MASON, *ONALD L.            2987.20	
MCCARTY, *AMELA M.          3700.81	
MCDONNELL, *HANNON M.       3205.78	
MCDOWELL, *NGELA            3797.88	
MCFARLAND, *AMES L.         3505.70	
MCWILLIAMS, *ONALD L.       11.01	
MEAUX, *LAN D.              2768.62	
MELLUM, *ICHAEL F.          15.34	
MESSNER, *ARILYN D          2550.05	
MEYER, *LLEN K              3505.72	
MINGO, *ERRY N.             3505.72	
MOFFITT, *ARK E.            3144.05	
MOORE, *USAN                2550.05	
MORRELL, *UNKO 0.           2768.62	
MORSE, *AROLINE U.          3505.72	
MORTON, *ICHAEL D.          3788.64	
MURRAY, *HRISTOPHER J       2987.20	
NASH, *YNON D.              11.01 	
NASH, *ATT A.               19.78	
NEIGHBORS, *YAN R.          15.72	
NELSON, *HRISTINA E.        2987.20	
NELSON, *ICHARD J           17.94	
NERISON, *TEVEN             2987.20	
P0SS, *ILLIAM R             18.22	
PARKER, *AMORA L.           2550.05	
PARVIN. KATHLEEN 5.         3205.78	
PATTERSON, *AMRA L          2768.62	
PHILLIPS, *RACY L.          2987.20	
PIECHOWSKI, *ERIK J.        3144.05	
PLEASANT. MOTOKO            3797.86	
PLUSH, *ETH A.              2788.62	
PRENDERGAST, *ORI 0.        3144.05	
PUTSKA, *RANK               14.31	
QUEENO-WALL, *ATHLEEN M.    3144.05	
REED, *TANLEY E             3144.05	
ROOT, *HRISTINE M           2768.62	
ROWALT, *OUGLAS L.          3797.86	
RYCKMAN, *YNTHIA            12.86	
SANDHOP, *TEVEN L.          15.72	
SANDRITTER, *ANDRA J.       2556,25	
SANTA, *ORMAN J             3205.78	
SCHMIDT, *ARAH L            2556.25	
SERVATIUS, *ELINE P         3497.20	
SEWELL, *LARK R             3144.05	
SEXTON. JUDY L.             2556.25	
SEYBERT, *ETER A            21.46	
SHAW, *DWIN J.              14.59	
SHERMAN, *INCENT            3497.20	
SHERRY, *EORGE ANNE         3213.57	
SIBON, *REGORY N            15.72	
SIMPSON, *LBERT A           18.22	
SINEMA, *HERRY              2987.20	
SINEMA, *OHN L              18.93	
SLEGHTA, *ONALD D           2768.62	
SMART, *LVA J.              3144.05	
SMOLLACK, *TEPHEN 0.        18.22	
SORROWS, *HIRLEY W.         2550.05	
STERBA, *HRISTOPHER         17.94	
STIMPSON, *ALE A.           15.34	
STREMLER, *HELDON H.        17.94	
STROMBERG, *RITTANY A       2556.25	
TANKARD, *ARY G.            11.01 	
TASOFF, *EFFREY M           3205.78	
TAYLOR, *AROLYN A.          2483.60	
TAYLOR, *ACKIE L            4090.01	
TAYLOR, *ARIE A.            1894.72	
TELLES, *ONALD R            3205.78	
TELLES. LINDA               3205.78	
TEPLEY, *ALE A              3797.86	
THEUNE, *ANCY K.            2768.62	
THOMAS, *AWN C              2768.62	
THOMASON, *ANIEL 6.         17.94	
THOMPSON, *EBORAH S.        2775.36	
TIMM, *TEVEN M.             3700.81	
TURNER, *ARGARET A.         2987.20	
TURPIN, *ELLI D.            14.59	
TURPIN. JASON               3144.05	
VACANT (Buchanan-Walker)    2558.25	
VACANT (Burdett-LITTLE)     3797.86	
VACANT (Dennis)             3144.05	
VACANT (Noyes)              2191.07	
VACANT (Phillips)           3700.81	
VACANT (Pocock)             3144.05	
VACANT (Vasconcellos)       3497.20	
VACANT (Whipple)            14.25	
VAN DUINE, *ENJAMIN R.      3205.78	
VAN MUYDEN, *AN M.          2550.05	
VAUGHAN, *IANA L            3213.57	
WADDELL, *RISTI H           3505.72	
WAGNER. SUSAN S.            3497.20	
WAHLIN, *LORIA B.           2556.25	
WALIMAKI, *DELE J.          2994.47	
WALLACE, *ENNIFER H.        2550.05	
WALTRIP, *HARON M.          2550.05	
WARD, *LENDAL.              2550.05	
WATERS, *ALLY E.            3497.20	
WATSON, *ARIN E             3205.78	
WEATHERFORD, *MIE L.        12.86	
WEAVER, *RIAN J             18.93	
WELCH, *ESIREE L            2191.07	
WELLER, *AWRENCE F.         2768.62	
WELLS, *ATHRYN A            2768.62	
WELSHANS, *ARY G.           2550.05	
WHITCHER, *AURIE            12.86	
WHITNEY, *ELLY K.           2994.47	
WHITTEN, *OHN G             2768.62	
WIACZEK, *AMES F.           14.59	
WICK, *HRISTINA L.          2987.20	
WILDER, *INDA 0.            2768.62	
WILLIAMS, *NNA M.           14.59	
WILSON, *HRISTIAN B         3497.20	
WILSON, *ANICE A            2768.82	
WILSON, *ARY K.             2987.20	
WITT AMY D.                 2768.62	
WOOD, *ILL 0.               22.48	
YEOMAN, *ARRY F.            17.94	
YOUNT, *ONALD V.            2768.62	
ZIEGLER, *TEPHEN            3144.05	
ZUERCHER, *ICHAEL A.        2550.0	


Here's a copy of a page one of the employees list Island County sent me on August 22, 2002.

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page 3

Here's the freedom of information request letter I sent to Island County.

Here's the response I got from Island County on August 22, 2002.

Here's the response letter I got from Island County on September 3, 2002.

By clicking on the rainbow colored square icon, you can see information about the people who look at these webpages. These statistics report meters are free to anybody.

Clicking on the above picture will take you to a page about the webmaster.
A freedom of information letter template is at
Washington State newspapers have detailed information about access to public records at
Here's information on Washington State websites about counties, ports, school districts, cities, ect...
In Nov 2002, the Wa St Court of Appeals, ruled that government employees names cannot be kept secret.
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